• Доклады

ONLINE: "'The Dangers Which Plague This Country': Empire and Disaster in the North Pacific"

  • 18.30
  • Benjamin Beuerle

The Event will start at 6.30 pm Moscow time! 

Talk by Spencer Abbe (Department of History, University of Oregon)

Event organised in cooperation with the Chair for Russian / Asian Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the Institute for Eastern European Studies at Freie Universität Berlin

Working language: English

Event location: Online via Zoom
Webinar ID: 822 5794 2157
Registration not required 

The North Pacific is one of the planet’s most seismically active zones, and frequently experiences earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.  Over the past three centuries, the conquests of the Russian and American empires in the North Pacific dramatically transformed almost every aspect of life in the region, including the nature of human relationships with these frequent natural hazards.  This presentation will narrate several key moments when the seismic history of the North Pacific intersected with imperial conquest to change how people experienced the unquiet earth, and suggests that living with these phenomena today requires a reckoning with the legacies of imperialism.

Facebook link to the event → https://www.facebook.com/events/1675413729506946