• Russland und die Sowjetunion im 20. Jahrhundert: Neue Themen, neue Zugänge
  • Sowjetische Geschichte

Lebensabend in der UdSSR, 1945-1991. Bemerkungen zu den Archivrecherchen

  • 18.00 Uhr
  • Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau, Voroncovskaja 8/7
  • Birte Kohtz

Vortrag von Dr. Botakoz Kassymbekova (Liverpool John Moores University / www.sovietageing.com)

Arbeitssprache: Russisch

In Kooperation mit Centre d'études franco-russe (CEFR) 


  • Abstarct (eng)

    How did old people in the Soviet Union understand and experience old age? When and how did they decide to become pensioners? How did the new status of a pensioner change their relationship to their family members and friends? In my presentation I will present my preliminary research outcomes, share my experience of working on the topic and discuss the potential of the theme.