• Kolloquium 18.-19. Jahrhundert-Forschung
  • Buchpräsentation

ONLINE: Buchvorstellung "Witchcraft in Russia and Ukraine, 1000–1900"

Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 18 Uhr Moskauer Zeit

Vorstellung des Buches von Valerie A. Kivelson (University of Michigan) and Christine D. Worobec (ASEEES):

Witchcraft in Russia and Ukraine, 1000–1900: A Sourcebook. Ithaca: Northern Illinois University Press (an imprint of Cornell University Press), 2020.

Im Rahmen des DHI-Kolloquiums zur 18. bis 19. Jahrhundert-Forschung wird gemeinsam mit Elena Marasinova (HSE University) eine Präsentationsreihe von Forschungsarbeiten eröffnet, die für den Mark-Raeff-Buchpreis nominiert sind.

Kommentare: Ol'ga Košeleva (IVI RAN), Elena Smiljanskaja (HSE University), Andrej Toporkov (RGGU)

Arbeitssprachen: Russisch und Englisch 

Veranstaltungsort: online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 823 6231 7956
Kenncode: 691069

Die Videoaufzeichnung der Buchvorstellung ist unter folgendem Link abrufbar ⇒ https://youtu.be/DzayFvPGGJY 

Zusammenfassung (eng)

This sourcebook provides the first systematic overview of witchcraft laws and trials in Russia and Ukraine from medieval times to the late nineteenth century. Witchcraft in Russia and Ukraine, 1000–1900 weaves scholarly commentary with never-before-published primary source materials translated from Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. These sources include the earliest references to witchcraft and sorcery, secular and religious laws regarding witchcraft and possession, full trial transcripts, and a wealth of magical spells. The documents present a rich panorama of daily life and reveal the extraordinary power of magical words.

Editors Valerie A. Kivelson and Christine D. Worobec present new analyses of the workings and evolution of legal systems, the interplay and tensions between church and state, and the prosaic concerns of the women and men involved in witchcraft proceedings. The extended documentary commentaries also explore the shifting boundaries and fraught political relations between Russia and Ukraine.